Girls Gone Happy Halloween Workshop

By Hike & Heal (other events)

Wednesday, October 30 2019 6:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

For this GGH Halloween Party we chose to create an activity with our Loss Deck, because it felt most in tune with the season and holiday.

The Loss Deck isn't just for when someone's passed - it's for any time we need to say a Big Goodbye to a situation, a dream, a relationship, a habit, a place ...

And so as the weather cools and the veil thins between worlds, as we enter deeper into autumn and begin to shed things that no longer serve us, moving into the hibernation of winter and then the newness of spring, we invite you and your friends to join us with a fun and beautiful ritual that will let you release and say goodbye, let go and move on, all while having amazing conversations together.

Come dressed in whatever festive flare your feeling and join GGH Brand Ambassadors Brandi Aulston @thewellnessenthusiast, Liz Fever @lizwearswhat and Dana Maddox @yunglee for some lite fare, drinks and breakthroughs!